The Trials of a Busy Mom

Birthday overload

John has GRAND expectations for his upcoming birthday party. He JUST came to me and said, “Mom, at my party, can we have my friends take a picture of them standing by me wearing a storm trooper costume?”
Me–“Well, we don’t HAVE a storm trooper costume, so that will be difficult”
John–“Oh, mom, we can just MAKE one, and cut all the pieces and tape it together. Ok?”

Oh. My. Heck. This kid had these GRAND ideas for his birthday party, and he keeps coming to me and demanding more and more and MORE things. I’m afraid that whatever I do, my best won’t be good enough. Usually the kids are fine with whatever we do, but this kid has been telling me his grand plans for weeks, no Months! I just want his birthday to be over, because the pressure is getting to me! For example, back in July, John came to me and said that we needed to have a YODA pinata for his Star Wars birthday party. Not a Darth Vader pinata, because his friends already did that. So, I told him that I’m sure we could work something out, there must be a yoda pinata I could find online somewhere. Zurchers has ever kind of pinata you could want, right? I guess not. No Yoda. While I was searching, John decided he was going to make his own. Not real good about waiting, that one. He got a box, and decided to draw Yoda on the box.

See the little Yoda there?
Then he had to “cut a whole in the bottom and the top” of the box for the candy. Unfortunately, he picked one of the sturdiest boxes he could have found, and the cutting part wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be, but he was not deterred.

I put something on facebook about how he wanted to make a Yoda pinata, and my brother-in-law told me he had a friend who made pinatas, and that he would take care of that. So, hopefully we will have an actual Yoda pinata on Monday. If not, I guess we’ll be using the custom “box” one that John wants to use.

And he’s ultra demanding about the games, too. And the lightsabers. And the cake. It’s a party for a 6 year old, not a flipping Hollywood movie premier!!! Aaaagh!

Added on Tuesday–We went over to Julene’s house to pick up this Yoda pinata last night. I must say, it far exceeds my expectations. This thing is HUGE! And Cute! I don’t know how we’re going to possibly hit it with a stick to get the candy out. Maybe I can just stand nearby and throw candy at them when they “almost” hit him with a stick.


  1. Amber's Crazy Bloggin' Canuck

    Must! Be! Perfect! 🙂 That’s why I went as simple as possible for my 3-year-old’s party. I figure I wouldn’t have many of those years left.

  2. Mom

    So did you get a Yoda pinata?

  3. Robin

    Hey Paige…I have a Clone Trooper costume… It has a plastic mask and then the whole body suit… I don’t know if the body part would fit though…maybe your sewing talent could make it work.. When’s John’s birthday?

  4. Amy

    Ack, so cute!! I wouldn’t want to smash that open either!

  5. Lisa

    cool pinata! I also have a storm trooper costume but it is probably too big for John.

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