The Trials of a Busy Mom

I don’t think there’s anybody back there

Is there anyone actually reading this old blog?

(chirp, chirp)

That’s what I thought. The amount of comments has been underwhelming lately, and when even my MOM isn’t reading, that’s pretty sad and depressing.

What’s happened to my readers? I did have some readers, didn’t I?

A friend of mine who actually gets comments on her blog suggested I install a site meter or a counter of some kind so I’d actually know how many READERS I had, instead of just assuming that since there are no comments there are no readers. I’ll admit I tried to figure out how to install one on my own. Without involving my tech support guy. Because he was probably out of town, or at work or something. I didn’t do it right. But I think that might have just made me more depressed.


Have we all just gone the way of facebook and twitter? We can only read a maximum of 130 characters, or whatever it is?

Do I need more jokes? More contests? More embarrassing stories? More blood and gore? Or maybe I just need to not care so much if there’s anybody reading here or not.


  1. Mel

    I read every day. Pinky swear.

  2. Janet

    You don’t know me. I am one of your blog stalkers. I am an aunt to one of your friends. I found your blog through hers. I read your blog regularly and enjoy it a lot. Please don’t stop! You have incredible insight and are an inspiration even to those who don’t know you. I know comments somehow validate a blogger but I don’t comment cause I’m afraid you’d think “who is this stalker?” Any way…keep it up. You’re great!

  3. jen

    Me, too. And I comment. And I email. Are my comments underwhelming?

    Enough of the pity party. I installed a counter on my blog, which is fine. But the thing I really like is my site meter. Although I average about 5 comments a day, the site meter tells me that I have about 70 HITS a day. And I can see where they come from as well. I’ve had random hits from Germany, New Zealand, and Norway. These people never comment, and they rarely if ever come back, but it is interesting to see where they’re from. And to know that I’ve got more readers than I think. I’ll never be cjane, but that’s ok. I’ve come to grips with it.
    If you scroll down my blog and click one the weird little green symbol on the right, it will direct you to the site meter. And I think it will give you directions on installation. I’ve had problems installing things like this in the past, but this one worked the first time. And I secretly love it.

  4. Janice Johnson

    I read every time you post as well. You are on my google reader. I pinky swear too.

  5. Kimberly

    I faithfully read because I am too much of a loser to actually call or visit. By reading your blog, I feel like I am still part of your life. Oh how I long for the relaxed days of summer instead of the constant craziness. With all the holidays coming up, it will only get worse! Hang in there Paige and remember I think about you every night as I read your blog.

  6. Superpaige

    I have a reader who I don’t even know? Woo-Hoo! Thanks, janvan! You made my day!

  7. Mom

    THIS IS YOUR MOM SPEAKING WHO YOU THINK DOES NOT READ YOUR BLOG. WRONG! If I don’t read it right away, I catch up and read all the ones I missed. Sorry if I don’t comment so much. But I think you are a very witty writer. Keep up the good work.

  8. Robin

    Me too…I read all the time and love knowing what’s going on in your life, but I don’t comment often. You’ll notice I don’t call as often either…because I already know what’s going on.

  9. Lisa

    I always read but rarelycomment sorry. I’ll try to do better.

  10. emily

    I’m just catching up on my reader! I can see I’ve been missed. 😉

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