The Trials of a Busy Mom

Spring break?

Where the heck have I been? You may be asking yourself. It’s not that I haven’t been home, or that I haven’t had anything to blog about, because both of those assumptions would be false. It’s just that we’ve had extra people here in the house, and it seemed that with the addition of those people, there were about 8 or 9 people who wanted to use this computer at any given time. And since I didn’t want to be sitting here staring at the computer screen trying to compose a coherent blog post, I just didn’t.

But we HAVE been busy. We’ve been going to basketball games.

Megan’s team did really well in the tournament, and after a heartbreaking CLOSE game, they lost by one point and ended up 3rd in their division.

Meeting up with friends.

I had dinner with some of my wonderful friends, and you can tell we were having some sort of amazing animated discussion there.

Then I met up with my roommates from my sophomore year.
It was so much fun to get together with these girls that I spent my life with 20 years ago. Here are 5 of the 6 of us that enjoyed that year together at Heritage Halls. You can see Jenny’s wrap up over HERE. While her camera took a better quality picture, my eyes were closed in her picture and open in mine. Go figure. It just happened that Jenny and Robin were both here in Utah for their Arizona spring breaks, so we just HAD to get together.

Robin and family were here for a week. They enjoyed (?) the snow, went skiing, and generally had a great time hanging out and playing with my kids. My kids, consequently, thought they were on vacation as well. I’ll just say that very little got done around here. But they had fun.

On Thursday, Robin mentioned that she didn’t have any curtains in her house, because she just didn’t know how to choose or make curtains. What?! No curtains?! That’s practically a SIN!!!! Well, curtains is one of the things that I actually CAN do, and I just couldn’t imagine not having curtains. So, off to the fabric store we went. We picked fabric that made them happy, and brought it all home to sew.

In two days, I made three sets of curtains. I think that’s got to be some kind of record. I’m happy with how they turned out, and I hope that they work out. Here’s Sarah, modeling her new curtains for her bedroom.

Then we worked on some curtains for Robin’s living room. I wish I had a better picture than this (the lighting is terrible, and since we’re just trying them out on my kitchen window, it looks pretty silly, but you’ll get the general idea). And it looks a little weird with my old kitchen curtains on the top and hers on the bottom, but just ignore all those discrepancies, if you will.

After I had the first one sewn and was starting the second one, I realized I probably had sewn the whole thing BACKWARD, but since on this upholstery type fabric, you can’t really tell which is the front or the back. I was prepared to redo that panel, but Robin said she really did like that side of the fabric better, so we just went with it.

I didn’t get a picture of Jacob’s curtains when they were finished, but here he is with the fabric before we sewed them. I think it’s a good color on him, don’t you?

Yes, sewing constantly for several hours is tiring and hurts my back, but it’s nice to have a sewing “assistant”. I would just tell Robin “cut this in four in strips, please” or “iron this”, and she would do it. It made the sewing go so much faster! I’m going to have to train my kids to do that next time I have a big sewing project.

Friday night was out last night on our “Spring Break Vay-Cay” so we had a “party” at home. There was food, lots of food, and movies, rock band, wii, murder in the dark, and lots of fun.

You don’t see me rocking out in these pictures, because I was the one behind the camera, but I did indeed play rock band, as well. The kids all stayed up WAY too late having fun with their friends from Arizona.

It was a fun filled week, and we’re so glad they came and stayed here. We all had a fun time, and we didn’t even have to go anywhere! And then when we go to Arizona in a few weeks for OUR spring break, we can stay at THEIR HOUSE and disrupt their lives with our fun and playing! (Evil laugh)


  1. jen

    And when you come here, you can visit my house, have lunch with me, and see all the wedding preparations. Maybe I’ll have some curtains that need help!
    So good to see you this week!

  2. Christine

    You’ve always got a ton of stuff going on, I’m always amazed! But I’m glad you had fun for spring break, and more glad you get to enjoy a little quiet today 🙂

  3. Vern

    The question mark in your title says it all!

  4. Robin

    It is so nice to have you all as a favorite vacation destination. I did hang Sarah’s new curtains and they look great. Now I just need to get some rods for all the other curtains. Thanks again for a wonderful time! You’re the best!

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