The Trials of a Busy Mom

Monday. Or as I like to call it–vacation recovery day

It’s Monday after our Spring Break Vacation. Or, as it should be called–Vacation recovery day.

My grand list of things to do today includes, but is not limited to:

**Laundry. Lots and lots of it.

**Clean out and wash my incredibly tired car. And if I were really nice, I’d stop by Grease Monkey and top off the fluids, but that’s probably more than I could wish for.

**Exercise. And the “vacation binge eating” must stop.

**Find and return the overdue library books.

**Find all the baseball mitts. Practices start today for John’s team, and I’m sure the girls’ teams will be starting up soon, as well. Everyone needs mitts, and we need to get outside and start throwing and catching.

**Figure out the kindergarten skirt situation. You don’t want to know.

**Maybe buy some groceries. These kids, they insist on eating.

**Get all the activities for the month on the calendar. Since we were planning our vacation and the left at the beginning of the month, I’m shocked that the month is almost 1/2 over, and I am kind of still in a fog. What’s going on? What’s due when?

**Encourage the kids to practice
a-the piano
b-the flute
c-the saxophone
d-their throwing and catching
e-their “talent” for the primary talent show this week

**Vacuum up all the bird fluff. With 9 birds in our kitchen for a week, there’s some feather/seeds/fluff residue around.

**Preen. For my flower bed. And it’s time to get the garden ready to plant!

But first, it looks like I’m going to go and plunge a toilet. Somehow that one moves to the top of the list.

Whew! Let’s see how I do, shall we? What’s on YOUR list?


  1. Melissa

    On my list – and our spring break was two weeks ago – I TRIED to go to the gym, but got a call at 5 a.m. to fix something on a page at work and got finished too late to go. Maybe tonight after dinner, but I’m not making any promises!

    I had to play catchup last week for being off one day, and it took me two to finish what I missed. Ridiculous!

    It is amazing how we need a vacation from our vacation!

  2. Mom

    Wow! That list should take a week at least. Good luck!

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