I got to be a “Magic Mirror” and do this skit (which I wrote). You are under absolutely no obligation to read the whole thing, but here it is:

Witch—Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, What is Reflections after all?

Mirror—What? You’ve never heard of Reflections? It’s a National Contest Sponsored by the PTA to encourage creativity in children.

Witch—What are you talking about?

Mirror—Let me explain it in simple terms so you can understand. Reflections is a contest. There are 8 categories—Photography, Visual Arts, Literature, 3-d art, dance, music, theater, film and video. (volenteers hold up signs)

Witch—So, I could draw a picture AND write a song?

Mirror—Yes, you could enter in each of the 8 categories if you wanted, but you can only enter each category one time.

Witch—What should I write about?

Mirror—the Theme is “My Favorite Place.”

Witch—Ah, “My favorite place.”
(pause to think)
Witch—So, are there prizes?

Mirror—Yes, that’s the best part! There are prizes for the winners, and not only that, every student who enters the Reflections contest will get a candy bar!

Witch—Every single one? Wow!

Mirror—And that’s not all, the class with the most entries will get an ice cream party.

Witch—Wow!! That’s fantastic! I want to go home and work on my reflections right now! Are there rules and stuff, or can you just do whatever you want?

Mirror—There are rules about what size things should be, and how they should be turned in, and we will be sending home some entry forms and rules sheets soon. And if you ever need any more entry forms or rules sheets, you can ask for them from the office, or go to utahpta.org.

Witch—I can’t wait! I think I’ll get started right away!

Mirror—That’s great. You should start soon. Even though you have a whole month to work on things, it’s good to start thinking about it now. Entries will be due October 20th.

Witch—October 20th. That’s right before my favorite holiday! Halloween!

Mirror—Yep, you have plenty of time to think about it. What category do you think you would like to enter?

Witch—I think I’ll do a dance, or write a story, or draw a picture. Maybe I’ll make a sculpture, or I could make a movie, or write a play, or take a picture, or write a song……