After having the usual stress nightmares last night from about 3-5, today was the reflections assembly. The culmination of a couple of months’ work, where we recognize all our winners and showcase the kids’ work. I must say that it went well. Really well. My biggest mistake was that I had Jenna’s 1st place in 3-d art (she was the only entry in her age division) in the 2nd assembly pile of awards, so I forgot to call her up and recognize her win. At the end of the first assembly, after we had taken all the pictures and everything, I looked down and saw her sad little face and realized that she hadn’t gotten her award. Duh! My own daughter! So, I snagged her out of her kindergarten class so she could be recognized and photographed in the 2nd assembly.

I had a friend do a little slide show to music DVD and it turned out so great! I’m so relieved! All the kids were clapping for the different works of art and cheering when they saw their own, it was fun. I hope in the handing out I didn’t give the wrong award to any child, but if I did, I’m sure I’ll hear about it.

Now I just have to get the entries ready to move on to the next level. There’s a bunch of paperwork involved there, but it’s nothing compared to what I’ve already done.

So, it’s time to pat myself on the back, take a deep breath, and move on to the next project….Christmas cards.