The Trials of a Busy Mom

Ring, Christmas Bells

Last night’s concert was fantastic. We were all so nervous to perform in the huge conference center, knowing that thousands of people could be there, but we had rehearsed and gone over everything so many times, so it was time to “enjoy the moment”. It was quite an experience. We were told afterward that there were about 12 thousand people in the audience–wow. Unlike last year’s Christmas concert, where there was an unfortunate Sleighride incident, we pulled it off and there were no song slaughterings. Of course we made some mistakes–there will always be mistakes–but none so horrible that the song suffered. I had a couple of spots where I got my bells all switched and in the wrong spots and couldn’t play for a couple of measures while I got myself reorganized. But I did not panic. I’m sure I wasn’t smiling the whole time, but I tried to “have a pleasant look on my face” instead of looking all stressed and ready to bolt at any moment.

My family enjoyed it, and all wanted to tell me what their favorite songs were. Megan last night in her prayer said, “And thank you that mom and her team could play such lovely music…” I didn’t know I had a “team”, but it’s a nice thought.

Now I’m done with bells until after Christmas. Since we’re going to Cancun and I would miss a couple of performances with the Tab Choir, I had a sub learn my part for all those songs. So, the next week for me will be a lot easier. I’ll go and watch the concert instead of rehearsing for two nights and performing for 3 more. It’s bittersweet, because I want to be ringing with them, but I’ll be going to Cancun!

Now that the concert is over I can finish the Christmas shopping (i’m seriously pretty much done–I just have to help the kids find things to give to each other and mom and dad), wrap everything, get the neighbor gifts done, go to a few parties, pick out and wrap the teacher gifts, help the kids with their programs and shows, organize the schedule for the babysitters, and clean my house and pack. That’s do-able, right? And I’ll start right after I take a shower.


  1. Amber

    Whew! Big sigh of relief when it’s over, eh? I’m feeling the same way and can’t wait to tackle everything I’ve had to put off…

  2. Mel

    Congratulations! Glad you survived.

  3. Kimberly

    What a concert!!! Paige, you were amazing. That concert was so wonderful. We never noticed a mess up. We brought our daughter and her friend and they loved it too. They said you all played like angels! Thank you so much for helping bring the Christmas Spirit into our lives. We so appreciated it!

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