The Trials of a Busy Mom

Now, that’s my kind of dinner party

Yesterday at church, our neighbors who moved out and have been living in a hotel for over a week while they wait for their new house to be done, came to church. Impulsively, I leaned forward and said, “Why don’t you guys come over after church for dinner?” even though I really had nothing planned. So during Relief Society I tried to think of what I could make quickly enough for dinner guests right after church. When we came home, we knew we had at least 15 minutes to clean up the house, as they would surely have people to chat with after church. We quickly cleaned up our messy house, I tossed a pork roast in the microwave to thaw, cleaned the counters and started boiling some water. Luckily I had been to Costco on Friday and had picked up a large package of their chicken ravioli, so I made one package with a white sauce, and one package with a red sauce. I got out a couple of packages of cressant rolls, and the kids all said, “are we having pigs in a blanket?” Oh, why not? So, we wrapped up little hot dogs and voila–pigs in a blanket. I threw together a big salad (also from Costco), and there you have it–instant dinner. The roast didn’t get done in time, but I cooked it anyway, and we’ll have it tonight. The best part was that I had a cake left over from the ward party the night before (can you believe it? I took a cake and it didn’t get touched–I brought the whole thing home with me) and a neighbor had brought over a fresh apple pie on Saturday to thank Ryan for hooking up his computer, so we had cake and pie for dessert. It was fun to have them over, and I didn’t stress out about cleaning the house or planning the food. Instant dinner party, and it was still fun even though things weren’t all planned out and perfect. Let that be a lesson to you (and me).


  1. Robin

    Paige, I love “hearing” about your life….I want to be you when I grow up. Good job! Congratulations on your Bells performance…wish I had been there to tell you my favorite song. Have fun in Cancun!

  2. Janice from Book Club

    Good reminder! I need to be better at doing things like that.

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