Yesterday I woke up from a dream starring John Stamos. If you aren’t watching ER, you are missing out on a serious treat, because he is just the cutest thing ever. Now I don’t even really remember what the dream was, just that John Stamos was in it. I woke up in the usual way, with a small child climbing over me and demanding breakfast. That same child later threw up his breakfast (out of consideration for the squeamish, I won’t mention what color it was, but if you are interested, ask me later). So, needless to say we had a lovely morning.

This morning I woke from a dream where all the members of the Bells on Temple Square and their families went to Disneyland. It was so much fun! I don’t know if we did a concert there, or if we were just all on vacation together, but we had a great time. Let’s work on that one. I just hope my morning happiness and fuzzy dream remembering isn’t cut short by another such incident as we had yesterday.

And on a totally unrelated subject, I’m pretty sure I’m done with my Christmas shopping. I have the neighbor gifts almost all finished, kids presents all bought, family presents bought and wrapped, even stocking stuff is ready. I have a bunch of different teacher gifts that I’ve been collecting, and I just need to have the kids pick them out for each teacher and wrap them (yesterday we wrapped the Christmas t-shirts, but I don’t have any more of those except in smalls, and I don’t think any of the kids have teachers who wear smalls. ) I have a few gifts squirreled away in different places and I need to bring them out and make sure they get wrapped and under the tree, but it’s a relief to know it will all be done BEFORE.