The Trials of a Busy Mom

The end of an era

We have a small celebration going on here (well, just me.  I’m the only one celebrating).  What are we celebrating?  The end of the facial hair!

He’s been growing this since our trip to Cancun, when he forgot his shaver.  Then he just left it.  Maybe he liked it, maybe he was just growing it to annoy me.  Who knows?  But for some unknown reason, this morning it was gone.  I didn’t take a picture, but he’s back to his normal, clean shaven look.  And I’m happy about that!  Thanks, Ryan.


  1. Tess

    good bye (sob, sob) little mutton chops….

  2. Janice from Book Club

    Chris tried that once and I told him I won’t kiss him until it was gone. It was gone in 10 minutes.

  3. Ryan


    * By the time I shaved it, it looked much fuller than either of these pictures.

    * I didn’t “forget” my shaver on our trip to Cancun.

    * I was definitely growing it to annoy Paige, because that’s what husbands do.


  4. Melissa

    My husband, when we were dating, shaved his moustache and goatee. As much as I love him, he really needs that bit of hair to make him “him.”

    Our small town’s mayor also plays it fast and loose with his facial hair. He’s usually clean shaven, but a few months ago grew a full beard. That didn’t last long, but this week he showed up for a board meeting with a goatee and moustache. His poor wife – she must never know what to expect from him!

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