The Trials of a Busy Mom

PTA Reflections Skit

I’ve had some people ask about my reflections skit (well, Two people, to be exact), so I thought I would just post it here. Now bear in mind that this skit came about because we already had a very large NEMO costume, and everyone has witch costumes. So, I wrote the skit around the costumes. We also have a candy bar costume, but at skit time couldn’t find it, so we eliminated the candy bar part at the end. If you are in charge of reflections for your school, maybe you could use this as an idea. For a small fee. Just kidding about the fee.

Reflections Skit 2007

Witches standing in a circle chanting: Bubble Bubble, toil and trouble, make this fish big on the double! *boom!* (Fish appears from behind the curtain.

Witch 3—Wow! That’s one big fish.

Witch 1—I have a question. Why must we always make trouble and bad with our spells?

Witch 2—Well, that’s just how it’s always been. We are witches! We make mischief and trouble.

Witch 3—Well, couldn’t we change that? Couldn’t we do good things instead?

Witch 4—Maybe we could make a difference in a good way!

Witch 2—Oh, we’re just little witches. We can’t make a real difference in the world.

Witch 3—Hey! That reminds me of something I was just reading about! When I flew over the school the other day, I saw a sign that said the PTA was having a contest called Reflections, and the theme was “I can make a difference by…”

Witch 2—By what?

Witch 1—What’s reflections?

Witch 4—What’s PTA?

Witch 3—Well, I don’t really know.

The witches stand and scratch their heads.

Fish (standing up)—Excuse me. I know I’m just a fish, and that you just put a spell on me to make me huge, but I noticed that you had some questions about Reflections. (all the witches stare at the fish with their mouths open) Since I’ve been in the PTA in my local school of fish, I know all about reflections.

Witch 1—Hey, that fish can talk! Did we do that?

Witch 2—Just be quiet and listen.

Witch 4–Go on, fish. You were saying?

Fish—Well, Reflections is a National Contest Sponsored by the PTA to encourage creativity in children.

Witch 3—What are you talking about?

Fish—Let me explain. Reflections is a contest. There are 8 categories—Would you witches mind holding up those signs for me? (Witches shake their heads and say “no, of course not”) Photography, Visual Arts, Literature, 3-d art, dance, music, theater, film and video. (Witches hold up signs)

Witch 1—So, we could draw a picture

Witch 2 –And I could write a song?

Fish—Yes, you could enter in each of the 8 categories if you wanted.

Witch 4—What should we write about?

Fish—It’s just like you were talking about. “I can make a difference by….” and then you tell what you would do to make a difference or make the world a better place.

Witch 3—So we CAN change the world! And then we can enter this contest! Can everybody enter?

Witch 1—Even witches?

Fish—Anybody who goes to Highland Elementary.

Witch 2—Let’s ALL enter!

Witch 1—If it’s a contest, does that mean there are prizes?

Fish–Yes, that’s the best part! There are prizes for the winners, and not only that, every student who enters the Reflections contest will get a candy bar!

Witch 3—Every single one? Wow!

Fish—And that’s not all, I heard that the class with the most entries will get a pizza party!

Witch 4—Wow!! That’s fantastic! I want to go home and work on my reflections right now! Are there rules and stuff, or can you just do whatever you want?

Fish—There are always rules, even for witches. Look for a note to be coming home soon.

Witch 1—I can’t wait! I think I’ll get started right away!

Fish—Now, do you think you could turn me back to my regular size?

Witch 3—Oh, sure! We could start making a difference right now.

All witches– Fins and Flippers and yellow eyes, Turn this fish back to the right size!

(Fish disappears back under the curtain.)

Witch 2—That was one smart Fish!

Witch 1–He sure knew a lot about Reflections. I’m glad we met him!

Witch 3—Yeah, what a cool contest! We can enter and win prizes.

Witch 4 —And don’t forget about the pizza party, and the candy bar for every one who enters.

Candy bar—Oh no, not a candy bar! (Runs across the stage)


  1. di

    thanks paige! i will pass it on to the gal in charge of reflections!

  2. Mom

    That’s very cute, Paige. Good job!

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