The Trials of a Busy Mom

Adventures in Shopping

I went to Albertsons today to get in on their 10 for $10 sale. It was not all that well stocked, since it’s already the second day of the sale. There was cereal, but hardly any.  I missed out on a great deal by about 10 minutes, too. They had some handisnacks on sale for $1 (when you buy 10 products), but the delivery guy also brought a bunch of $1 off coupons for them, and was sticking them on the snacks. So, $1 with a dollar off coupon makes them……Free. My friend, who was just finishing her shopping when I got there, managed to grab 10 of them. By the time I was there, they were all gone, thanks to ladies who bought 400. You read that right. Some woman in line in front of my friend had her entire cart loaded with those happy little snacks. She said she was going to give them out for Halloween. Well, that’s nice, but does that really justify that behavior? Shouldn’t she have left some of those for others, and limited her snatching to, say, 50? I’m surprised that the checker let her “steal” all of those. What are your thoughts on this one?

Do you say…”More power to the grabby lady. She saw an opportunity for savings and hopped on it,” or are you more of the…”That’s a little bit overboard. Maybe leave some bargains for the rest of us,” opinion?

I’m not saying the shopping trip was a complete failure. Looking at my receipt, I spent $116, and I “saved $178.49.” Or they didn’t overcharge me by 178 dollars today.

While shopping, there was a code Adam in the store. Someone had lost their little boy (probably that lady who had her cart so loaded up with handisnacks she lost her child–ok, I’ll stop with the snide comments), and all the employees went through the store looking for him. While I was feeling panic for the unfortunate mother, I was impressed to see how quickly the employees moved. There were two people at each exit, and they were walking quickly up and down every isle. It was less than 2 minutes until they announced that the child had been found, and we could all exhale. I was very relieved that it was a good outcome, and I could actually see the nearly hysterical mom run to where they had her child in the courtesy booth. I’m very glad that they found the little wanderer safe and sound.


  1. di

    oh yes, the blessed sale. my friend told me about a website, she swears by it. have you seen it?

  2. Kristy

    I am a sale and coupon failure. I’m glad to know there are others out there taking full advantage of these perks. I have NEVER saved that much on a bill Paige. Nice work!

  3. Mel

    Oh, the grabby lady. I’m torn between admiration and irritation. I would never be gutsy enough to attempt that, but on the other hand maybe that makes me a better person!:???:

  4. Janice from Book Club

    I got 10 boxes of the Breakfast cookies. We love them here but I don’t buy them unless they are on sale.

  5. Mom

    I agree that the lady was way to grabby. She should have left some for the rest of the shoppers. But it would have been good if they had a sign with the limit stated.

  6. Jen@BigBinder

    Wow, I guess in a way I think she shouldn’t have taken all of them for herself but then again, the store should have put a limit on it. If I were in your shoes I would be miffed though, being that close to getting the goods! If I had a fortune cookie to give you, it would say, “She who enters many contests, wins great prize”. Thanks for playing all of my contests, hopefully I will draw your name and I will be in touch with you about one of these goodies soon! The grabby lady can’t take that from you 🙂

  7. Amy

    If I were her, I would have “bought” a REASONABLE amount of snacks. Who gives out 400 treats at Halloween anyway? We usually have about 10 trick-or-treaters. When there is free produce given away at relief society, I don’t think, “Hey, I could get 100 cucumbers for free!” I think, “How many cucumbers could my family reasonably consume?” The lady was just not being reasonable, so shame on her. That’s not playing fair. Congratulations on your savings, though! I agree, it’s more of a “not being over charged by this amount,” since I would NEVER pay the regular price at Albertsons for anything!

  8. Amy

    I’ve had a goal to save more than double what I pay. Today my receipt said “Savings: $148.38.” I spent $62.81! Boo-yah!

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