The Trials of a Busy Mom

Back in the USA

Ryan’s back from China

and we are happy to have him back! He got in last night after a grueling 24 hours of traveling. He said this trip was like a double episode of the Amazing Race, since he went to Seattle, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, and China, then back through Hong Kong, Korea, Seattle and home). I’m sure he’s exhausted. In fact, he’s still in bed and it’s 9:30 in the morning. I’ll just let him sleep.

I’d love for him to do a guest post and tell us all about his experiences, but we might have to wait on that. Even though he was in meetings, meetings, meetings, (and gave up his free Saturday to do some quality control and testing timing) and didn’t have time to go and see anything, he still had an amazing experience.

He was pretty adventurous in his eating, and said he doesn’t want to go out for Chinese food anytime soon.

Even though he didn’t see any Olympic events, he did see the mascots

He brought us some Olympic memorabilia, too. Each of us got a keychain with the little Olympic mascots participating in a sport. Mine is shooting. Cute!

Sorry about my sad photography skills. He brought cute little silk purses for the girls, candy for everyone, a tie for Cole and a little cow light for John (it even moos!).

For me, he brought chocolate and two watches (my baby knows me well, doesn’t he?) So even though he said he didn’t have time to shop and sightsee, he scored with the kids!

In our nearly 16 years of marriage, I think this is the first time he’s traveled out of the country without me. So, I’m glad to have him back on this continent and safe at home.


  1. Amber

    Oh oh oh! What a trip of a lifetime for him. Those pictures are amazing!!!! Seeing the Opening Ceremonies makes me want to visit!

  2. Melinda

    I’m glad he made it back in one piece! What a great trip!

  3. Ryan

    It was fantastic, although I didn’t get to sight-see very much due to our demanding schedule.

    I’m hoping it wasn’t a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ trip…

    I’d like to have spent more than 18 minutes in Macao, where things are titled in Chinese, but then subtitled in Portuguese. *That* I can get behind…


  4. Amy

    Welcome back, Ryan! Glad you got such an awesome opportunity.

  5. Mom

    Fantastic! You are so thoughtful, too, to bring your family some cute things.

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