The Trials of a Busy Mom

Category: bargains–score (Page 3 of 5)

Thanks, Wal*Mart

Say what you want to about Wal Mart, but you CAN NOT beat Wal Mart on clearance deals. The other day I walked into our small little Wal Mart, and there in the front of the store was a clearance rack of jackets. The sign says $1. Upon closer inspection, I see the Miley Cyrus bomber jackets are indeed marked down from $20 to $1. One dollar! I bought two for my girls.

Then, in the women’s clothing department, I found these leather jackets priced at $5.

You gotta know I picked one up for myself, right?

So, thank you Wal Mart, for keeping our family in jackets this spring. Because -brrrrr- it’s really cold out there today!

Fun in February. Only now it’s March, isn’t it?

I love the end of February. Not only have we made it through the two most dreary and cold months of the year, but my AmEX Costco rebate check comes in the mail. Can I have a “Hallelujah!”? Thank you. The whole year we get a few cents from each purchase, or more, if it’s a big purchase, up to 3% of our spending, and then at the end of February, they send us a check with our bill. And then I get to go to Costco and spend with reckless abandon. Ok, I can’t TOTALLY spend with reckless abandon, I’m not buying patio furniture or exercise equipment or anything, but I do load up the cart with meat and batteries and produce and things that we are actually going to need, but I don’t feel so guilty about buying them. On my splurge trip this year I bought some flower bulbs, and cool set of flashlights.

So I can have pretty flowers in my yard in the summer, and, in case of a power outage, I’ll be able to shine my cool flashlight on the pretty flowers and still see them.

Actually, I kind of rushed through Costco. I had forgotten how much BIGGER the South Jordan Costco is than the smaller, more friendly Lehi Store. I was a bit lost, and the tiniest bit overwhelmed by the bigger variety of merchandise, and the much bigger crowd. And I had to get back to the subaru dealership and pick up my key certificate.

That night, as we were eating our Costco take and bake pizza, I told the family about the cool set of flashlights I had bought. I went and got them, and Ryan had to take them out of the package IMMEDIATELY and start playing with them. The kids asked why we never have candelight dinner, and we put the big flashlight on the table, and said, “There you go, just like a dinner by candle light, but without the annoying candles.” Then Ryan used the two smaller flashlights and started doing an interpretative dance with the red glowing flashlights. Then EVERYONE had to dance with the flashlights. Oh my goodness.

Well, that’s what fun with the family is all about, right?

I love getting presents in the mail!

A while back, there was some kind of a contest with Lee jeans. Something about becoming a facebook friend and then entering to win a free pair of Lee jeans. Of course I entered. Duh. Well, I have since forgotten all about that contest, having moved on to other contests which I must win. There’s a car contest going on right now, and it’s driving me crazy that I haven’t’ gotten my ‘key’ yet. When you hear the song of the day you have to be caller 20. I’ve been caller 4, 7, 14, 3, and even 19. I have yet to be caller 20. Argh.

Any-who, today there was a FedEx truck out front, and the nice FedEx man came up and rang the bell. When I went to the door, expecting it to be something for Ryan, I was surprised to see my name on the big fat envelope. Oooh, did I order something? I tried to remember.

The package was from Lee Jeans. Oh, yeah, I remember something about Lee Jeans. Did I win? I was surprised to open the package, and there was a pair of jeans IN MY SIZE. Now you may remember my frustration at finding THAT pair of jeans, and what a pain it is to find a pair of jeans that fits, right? So I was a little wary to try them on. I mean they SAY they are in my size (longs, even), since I must have filled in that information when I entered the contest, but would they fit?

Aren’t they cute, with that little pocket flap? Love them. And when I tried them on, I must say I still love them. They stretch, but aren’t too tight, they don’t gap at the waist when I sit down, and they are long enough. Wow. Just to be clear, Lee isn’t paying me to write a review, but they did send me a pair of jeans for free, so of course I’m going to toot their horn just a little bit. These are called the slender secret jeans, and just in case you think you need to get yourself a pair, you can find them here. Oh, and look, they are on sale!

That totally made my day! Now, if I could just stop the stuffy head, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and the other stuff I’ve got going on, it might turn into a great day.

So you can be in the know, too.

My friends were giving me a hard time last night because I didn’t alert them to a great deal on a paint stick a while back. Can you believe that? A paint stick? I guess I should have bought paint sticks for ALL of them. Anyway, so I WILL alert you all to a great deal on Heelys that’s going on right now.

At 6pm shoes, they are having a big sale on Heelys shoes. I got four pairs for certain people for under $50 shipped. Boo-Yah. Go here and search for your child’s size. At this price, sizes are indeed limited, but hey, you might find what you need.

And in other news, I’ll be enjoying the songs of Billy Joel and Elton John tonight! Hooray!

Eat from the pantry challenge week 3

This week wasn’t as much fun, in the way of grocery shopping. Since I blew my budget at Costco last Saturday, I didn’t even have any budget to work with this week. I made it to Friday before I had to break down and go to the store. I just made a quick run to Kohlers for bread, milk and produce. They had some of their bakery bread on sale for 50 cents per loaf, though, so I grabbed four loaves. I made it out of there only spending $22.

I did cave and go to Walgreens this week, since I had some pictures I needed to print for invitations for Jenna’s upcoming birthday party. I had register rewards to use (free money!) and they had such a screaming deal on Pepsi, I bought a few cases of that. I don’t really count that as my grocery budget, since it’s not really groceries, but maybe I’m cheating. Who knows?

I have reached my budget of $100. I’m not done with the month, yet, so I’m pretty sure I will go OVER my goal. But it’s been a good experience. A learning experience.

As this challenge winds down, let me share a few things I’ve learned.

1- Even if it’s a great deal, it’s not necessary to buy every item. I tend to overbuy when something is one sale, and then I end up with four cases of granola bars in the basement that may or may not get eaten before they go stale. Do we eat granola bars? Yes. Does that mean I need to buy 100 of them right now? No.

2- The thing we couldn’t live without was milk. While we tried to ration and only drink 2-3 gallons of milk for the week, I don’t want to deprive my kids of the calcium rich goodness of milk. I mixed up some powdered milk, but that doesn’t really taste like fresh milk, so they don’t like it. They do, however, like the morning moo’s strawberry milk. I had a #10 can in the pantry, and the kids really liked that. That was our only can, however. I’m going to have to get some more of that stuff, so that if we DO need to drink powdered milk, it will be something they’ll actually drink.

3-We waste a lot of food around here. Even this month, as I’ve been trying to stretch our food budget and use what we have, I’ve thrown out leftovers and food that’s gone bad. I guess I’m in the habit of making HUGE batches of food, and sometimes it’s too much for our family to eat. I mean, if I’m going to make cookies, or muffins, or a casserole, I might as well make a double, or a triple batch, right? I mean, if I have to get out all the stuff, it’s better to only get it out once and save me some work, right? I think I need to put 1/2 of that big batch of whatever in the freezer right away, instead of serving the whole “pot of soup” to my family for dinner. After they eat it once, they aren’t too keen on eating leftovers in the same week, and then it sits in the fridge and sometimes it gets used, and sometimes it doesn’t. The same goes with buying from Costco. While it may be a great deal to buy 6 heads of romaine lettuce for $3, will we use all of that, or do I end up throwing it out? So, I guess I need to recognize what we have in the fridge, and not overbuy, or overcook.

4- Ham and cheese are very necessary. Kids start to freak out if they can’t have their ham and cheese sandwiches. Seriously.

5-I need to set up a better rotation system with my food storage. I just let the kids go down and pick out cereal if they think we don’t have any “good” cereal in the pantry, but I need to have them “take from the left side” or something like that. I went down today to organize our cereals, and take stock of what we have left. I have 37 boxes of cereal in my food storage (and 10 more in my pantry). And half of them had “best use by” dates of 2009 or earlier. This tells me that we are NOT doing a very good job of rotating the cereal. But I did organize them, and after school today I’ll take the kids down and we can have a little lesson. Take from the left. I also feel like I might need to join a 12 step program for overshoppers. Hello, my name is Paige, and I buy too much cereal. Hi, Paige.

6-I would like to continue this challenge for another month. Seriously. We have a lot more stuff in the freezer and the pantry that need to be used up, and while it might kill me to not use the coupons I’ve been collecting, I think it’s a good experiment. I will continue to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy and some bread, but the staples and meat should come from what we have. Yes, I’m going to have to make an exception for an upcoming birthday party and valentine’s day, but I think I can do it. Yes, we might be eating mystery meat, and yes, I may go completely crazy and fall totally off the wagon, but I’m willing to give it a try.

Eating from the pantry challenge week 2

This challenge is harder than I thought it would be. Even though I know I CAN eat strictly from my pantry and food storage, the hard part is making me DO it. This week Macey’s had captain crunch on sale 5 boxes for $5. I Really REALLY wanted to go and stock up on Captain crunch and granola bars, since that’s a very good price, but I didn’t do it. I also did NOT go to Walgreens, even though I had coupons for items that were on a buy one get one free sale, and I could have stocked up on the cheap.

We did have to go and buy some fresh food, though. Here’s what $25 will buy.

Ok, not TWICE that, but one of those pictures. ( I’m having some technical difficulties, but I don’t want to take the time to figure it out and fix it. Maybe my administrator can see to that later.)
Actually, as you can see by my receipt, I spent $26.

Saturday, however, we encountered a problem. We went to Costco. I know, I know, I said I wasn’t going to go to Costco while doing this challenge, but we were right there, and we needed milk. In total, I spent over $100 at Costco, but that wasn’t all food. As I add up the actual Groceries from my receipts, I see that I spent $20 on cheese, ham, clementines, bananas and milk. Ugh. But if I count that as this weeks shopping trip, then I’m still within my limit.

Saturday night Ryan and I went out on a date, and afterward we had to run to walmart for some paint for our little mudroom improvement project that’s going on. While there, we also picked up birdseed, and I realized we were almost out of bread, so we added two loaves of bread to the cart. Ryan was teasing me about “cheating” and that he was going to add that to the total for me, but I’m coming clean. We also bought some soda, but that was FOR A SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT, not just for drinking, so it doesn’t count.

So, there you have it, folks. As long as I don’t spend any money this week (ahem), I’ll still be on track.

Of course, I’m planning a birthday party for the end of the month, and I can’t possibly be expected to pull that off without spending additional money, can I?

So, we’ll eat from our freezer and pantry this week. I’ve got a turkey in the freezer I’ve got to thaw out so we can cook that on Sunday. Then we can have leftover from that for the whole next week! So, I think we can do it.

Eat from the pantry challenge–week 1

One week down, and I’m proud of how we’ve done. We’ve eaten soup, corn dogs, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti,meatball sandwiches, meat gravy over mashed potatoes, and some leftovers.

Around Thanksgiving, I bought a HUGE bag of yukon gold potatoes, and I’m having a hard time eating them all. This week I noticed that they are starting to sprout, so I took action. I cooked up three big pots of potatoes, then mashed them, adding only chicken broth. Then I froze them in freezer bags so that I can have quick mashed potatoes later. I also made up a big batch of potato salad for Megan, my potato salad lover. I don’t know if we’ll be able to get through all of these potatoes before they go bad, but I’ll try. This week we’ll bake them up as fries, or maybe loaded potato skins.

I’ve also gotten some “help” in my challenge.My neighbor called and asked if I needed fresh eggs. I had JUST gone to the store, so I told him I could only afford 18 eggs, and he said, well, how about if I give you two dozen, but only charge you for one dozen? Well, that’s a good deal for me, so I got two dozen fresh eggs for only $2. Yes, it went over my $25, but I’ll try to cut back by $2 this week. My sister-in-law even gave us her leftover ham from Christmas! Hey, we’ll never turn down ham.

By Friday night I was kind of tired of cooking, and I told Cole he was in charge of thinking of something to have for dinner. He said How about Ramen noodles? Sounded great to me. I like it that the kids actually WANT to eat ramen noodles. And since Ryan was out of town, there was no need to make a “real” dinner. Although last night we did have a roast (from the freezer) with sweet potatoes, yukon gold potatoes, and carrots. So we’ll have some leftovers from that dinner to use up this week.

I only went to the grocery store one time this week, and I almost stayed within my $25 budget. I did go over by a couple bucks, but I actually put some things back, when I realised I hadn’t bought the right item that was on sale and went with the coupon I had.


That’s not a whole lot of food, is it?

This week I’ll need more fruit, as I was getting tired of apples and canned fruit, but I guess that’s the point, right? We had bread in the freezer, but we’re almost out of that, so I’m going to have to make my own bread or buy some more this week. This week we also ran out of the cheese that the kids like. It’s the presliced American cheese that I buy in a huge block at Costco. But I don’t think I can go into Costco and ONLY spend $25, so that cheese might just be a no no.

We also did some baking. I brought out a bag of muffins I had stored in the freezer. The kids gobbled up those muffins and asked that we make some more. So on Sunday we made a bunch of two different kinds of muffins for the kids to grab and eat.

The hardest part for me is seeing the deals on cereal and other stock up items that I can’t buy right now. We do NOT need cereal, as I buy lots of it when it’s on sale, but I hate to pass up a deal. I’m also getting low on diet coke, so I’m going to have to add that to the list this week.

How are you doing? Did you eat from the pantry this week and avoid going to the grocery store? Well, if you didn’t, it’s not too late to try.

Eat from the pantry Challenge

Money Saving Mom is working to encourage you to shop less. The idea is that we all have so much food in our pantries already that we regularly forget about. Instead, we end up shopping and spending more when we don’t really need to. This month, the goal is to try and use what you have on hand, which will force you to be a little bit more creative than usual and will help you save money in the process.

I’ve decided to join in this challenge. My goals are:

* To reduce our grocery spending to $100 in January

* To “clean out” our freezer and pantry

* To learn to “make do” with what we have!

I think that we have enough food storage that I should be able to “get by” with just buying a few fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, and maybe bread.

I’ll try to post once a week about what we’ve eaten, if we’ve had any failures or successes, and what we really need to add to our food storage for next time.

If you’d like to join this challenge, it’s not too late.

Here’s to a healthy and frugal 2010

More adventures in shopping

Yesterday I took my children (all of them) Christmas shopping. And it was actually a good experience. Well, a mostly good experience. I mean, how good can it be taking five kids shopping? First we went to Deseret Industries, the local thrift store. I actually loaded up the bags and boxes that had been in the garage waiting to be taken to D.I., dropped them off first at the donation drive through, then took the masses into the store. I was specifically looking for BOOTS, since I can’t find the whole gosh darn box of boots. I’m getting tired of the kids going out to play in the snow in just their shoes and getting soaked down to their skin, then leaving wet shoes and socks scattered around the house. We seriously need to find that box of boots! Unfortunately, the selection of boots in pretty much nil, so we struck out there. The kids, however, had a great time finding presents (mostly stuffed animals) for each other. They all had cash in hand, since I had just paid them their allowance for the month, and they had a blast spending 50 cents or a dollar on presents for each other. Then they had to take turns sneaking up to the register and buying their purchases without the other kids seeing them. They had things stuffed in their jackets and all looked like some kind of shoplifters.

After that, we went to the mall. Yes, you heard me, the mall. I know I vowed to never take my children to the mall again, after our last horrific experience. But I couldn’t just leave the little one home alone, so he went with us. We had a little talk about the behavior I expected.

First, we went to Hallmark. With the coupons from magazines and this printable coupon here, we had 4 $5 coupons. I let the kids each take a coupon (well, except for Cole, who wasn’t buying anything in this store), and shop. Some of them needed a present for Mom, and I pointed out some suggestions of things that were just a little bit over $5. With the coupons, four of them were able to buy some nice little gifts for only a dollar or two. Score!

Then we had to go to Deseret Book and the game store. Much to our surprise, Deseret Book wasn’t there anymore, and in it’s place was Tai Pan Trading. Oooh! A store for mommy! The kids were getting tired by then, so we kept it short, not buying anything. I did let them go quickly into build a bear, but I wouldn’t let John go into the game store. That was where he turned into a horrible child last time we went to the mall, so we avoided that store.

All in all, it was a successful trip. The kids bought their gifts, and didn’t spend more than they had. And I didn’t lose my temper or my sanity. Hooray!

Inappropriate Christmas gifts

Utah Cosmetic Surgery—Seriously? Your radio commercials say something like, “You’ve been taking care of everyone else, isn’t it time you did something for yourself for Christmas? How about a breast augmentation or that tummy tuck you’ve always wanted?” Give me a BREAK! Do you really think a boob job is an appropriate Christmas gift? Is that something YOU’D like for Christmas?

Or this one..

But it goes both ways, here…

Or maybe I should enter this contest, because THIS would be a great Christmas present as well.

So there you have it, folks. Lots of ideas for those “hard to buy for” loved ones. You’re welcome

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