The Trials of a Busy Mom

Category: bargains–score (Page 4 of 5)

the BEST lunch date EVER

In John’s opinion, it was the best lunch date EVER. Let me tell you about it. Today was early out day for the kids, which means John is home before noon. He’s needed a haircut for a couple of weeks, so I took him over to Great Clips and he got a great little boy haircut. No line, no wait (and I had a coupon!). Since he was so good, and we were so fast, we had time to go to Wendy’s for lunch. At his begging, we actually went inside instead of just driving through and picking up a 5 piece chicken nuggets and value fries. He got a kids meal, and I got a hamburger. Inside his kid’s meal was a WATCH! A really cheap watch that will probably be broken or lost very soon, but still, it was a WATCH. He’s been asking me (bugging me, actually) for a watch for about a week now, and I actually bought him one to give him for Christmas, but this, this watch was a promo inside his kid’s meal. How great is that? He was thrilled to get a watch, and he’s been telling me what time it is all afternoon.

While I waited for him to finish his meal, dipping all those fries into the jr frosty, I decided to call the number on the receipt for a survey. I sometimes do the survey things, but usually I forget. Since we’re going on vacation soon and I know we’ll be eating at Wendy’s at least once, we can use the free single that you get with the completed survey. It took me about 5 minutes, and by then John was about done, new watch and all. As I was throwing away our trash, I noticed a receipt on the ground. Hey, I thought, why not? So, I picked up that receipt, used the home phone to call in and do the survey again guessed it, another free hamburger. Funny thing is, it’s the same code. I could have just written the same code on the found receipt without doing the survey. Now I know.

So, John’s happy because he got to go out to lunch AND get a watch of his very own. I’m happy because I didn’t have to pay extra to get John a watch of his very own. Not a bad lunch if you ask me.

I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come

I was at Target today scouring the store for the best deals. I was sad that I wasn’t able to take advantage of the deal listed here because some rude person had come before me and taken all of the coupons out of the cute little candle tins. *Sigh*
But I did find a ton of great party clearance items. There were packages of luncheon napkins (20 count) originally priced at $1.59 on clearance for 38 cents. They only had yellow and blue, but I got 5 packages of each color. They also had the plastic tablecovers marked down to 78 cents each (originally $3.14). I picked up a couple of blue and yellow ones of those two. You never know when you might need yellow and blue tablecloths and matching napkins?

Oh, NO! Yes, I DO! What do they call that cub scout banquet? The blue and gold? WHAT HAVE I DONE? I may have jinxed myself! What was I thinking????

No, no. I’m ok. I don’t even have a cub scout aged child right now. I’ll be sure and use these party items up WAY before he reaches cub scouts.

Or maybe I should be safe and just return them.

medicine in the mail

I don’t really use homeopathic products (or “load of crap natural products” as my husband would call them) that much. Not because I don’t believe in them or don’t think they will work as well as the regular over the counter medicines, I just don’t know that much about them. I have friends who know exactly what herb to take for every thing, and what natural cure will beef up your immune system, or help you get over bruises, or even help with cancer. I just don’t have that kind of knowledge, but I’m open to new things.

So I registered for some free homeopathic children’s medicines, and they came in the mail today!

In my little package it said to spread the word and gave a website address so that all my friends with blogs could also try these samples, but when I clicked on the link it said that the free sample promo was over. Darn. But you can still get a coupon if you’d like to try these products for yourself.

We are doing our best to AVOID getting sick (flu shots tonight for the kids), but especially this year, we need to do everything we can to avoid and then fight all colds and the flu immediately.

And in a totally unrelated side note—you want to know what the best part of the vein surgery was? Well, besides getting rid of those awful, painful veins, that is–I am NOT ALLOWED to exercise for two weeks. NOT ALLOWED. Even if I wanted to! Can’t! It takes all the guilt away. No more getting up and putting on my exercise clothes only to wear them around for an hour or two and NOT get to exercising and then guiltily changing out of them because I need to get on with my day. I don’t even put the exercise clothes on. Because exercise is FORBIDDEN for one more week. Wa-Hoo! Not that I feel like exercising in the least. I did make it through rehearsal last night, which was two hours on my feet. It was tiring and a bit painful, but I made it through. And I made it grocery shopping this week, but really, that’s about all I’m up to. So, it’s not like I feel well enough to exercise, but it’s just so nice to know that I CAN’T.

Is that sick and wrong, or what? Now you know just how lazy I really am, and to what extremes I will go to not have to exercise.

How to have an afternoon of fun for under $4

Today’s spring break activity was Boondock’s fun center in Draper. Before we left I had the kids make themselves a sandwich, and we packed a lunch. There is no rule that just because you are going to a place that serves food, you have to buy and eat their food. A couple sandwiches, a few cookies, a few capri sun drinks and a diet coke for mom, and we’re good to go.

We also rounded up a few report cards. Why report cards? You ask? Well, Boondock’s is one of the places that rewards kids for good grades. So, anytime you go, make sure and take a report card with you. It doesn’t have to be current. One of the ones we found for Cole was two years old. For each A grade, they will give you three tokens, with a max per child of 18 tokens. With four kids in school, that’s 4 x 18= 72 free tokens. That would cost almost $20 to buy those. Then we took in our 6 free laser tag certificates that the kids earned for participating in PTA reflections and other things at school. Each game of laser tag normally costs $6, but we got those for free. If you don’t have free laser tag coupons, you can scour the ValPack coupons for the buy one get one free coupons, or there’s usually one or two coupons in the Happening’s books. I was planning on using the buy one get one free coupon for Jenna and John to play in Kiddee Cove, which is only $3 each, but if I can get one for free, that’s always better. Jenna, however, was too tall, so we didn’t buy her a pass.

Now if we were going to Boondocks in the summer (or a spring break when it isn’t snowing) we might want to spring for the passes so we could play miniature golf and go carts and all the outside stuff, but when we’re stuck inside anyway, this is the way to do it. My kids played for two plus hours before their tokens and free games were up. Then, while I was playing my one game of Deal or No Deal, some nice kid came up and asked if we would like free popcorn coupons. “Ok, Thanks!” we said. He gave us three coupons for free popcorn at the concessions stand. 3 Popcorns at $2 each–Free. Normally we don’t have people coming up and giving us free things, but I’ve given away free tickets and things before, so I understand. They probably had to leave and we were just lucky, I guess.

About the time everyone finished up all their tokens and we were about to leave, the kids asked if they could use another set of report cards to get more tokens. Yes, I brought another set of report cards. Because we don’t always get to Boondocks every single quarter, and so, why not? So the kids went up to the counter and there was a different person there than before and they redeemed their report cards for 18 more tokens each.

So, our running total is:
144 tokens ($37)
6 games of laser tag ($36)
3 popcorns ($6)
Kiddie cove for one child ($3)

I paid $3 plus tax. Cool, huh? Plus, the kids came home with a bunch of crap. Jenna and Natalie got a pretty decent size stuffed animal, some rubber ducks and some jewelry, John got a “laser gun” that lights up and makes noise, Cole got a silly pretend cell phone that shocks you when you push the button, etc….

I consider it a success. The kids had fun, I had fun, and we didn’t spend very much money. Hooray!

No, it’s not coat weather anymore

I have to mention my latest bargain find. I went to return a few things at Kohl’s, and since they had been nice enough to send me a 30% off coupon, I did a little bit of shopping around. In the clearance racks, of course. I found some jeans for kids at $4.99, and a skirt for picky Megan that was 50% off, but the great one, the one that made my heart go pitter patter, was this one.


I know this is a tiny little picture. It’s the only one I can find online. But this coat, which was originally priced at $160 (cough, cough), was 90% off. Yes, that was a Nine, Zero. So, the coat was priced at $16.00. Wow! But it gets better. With my 30% discount, that coat was $11.20.

A-hem. Can I get a little high five from my friends?

Hopefully I will not be NEEDING this coat for quite some time. Hopefully we have seen the last of the winter weather and I can wear my nice Spring jackets. I will tuck this coat in the closet for next fall, when I can pull it out and rejoice again at my shrewd shopping skillz, and be happy to have a new coat. I will leave the price tag on, of course, so that in the dreary months of October and November, when I lament that fact that I have to get the coats out, I can pull this out, and say, “Hey, I have a new coat! And LOOK, I only paid Eleven dollars for it!” (Although it doesn’t say eleven dollars on the price tag. It only says $16 on the price tag. But I think I’ll remember. And if I don’t, you can remind me.)

Wonders of Walmart

Nothing brings a gal out of a blogging slump like a new WalMart, I tell you! Yesterday was the grand opening of our new WalMart, and I felt like I was out of the loop. Was I the only person who didn’t go on that day? I picked up the little boys for preschool, and all they could talk about was going to WalMart and getting their free chocolate milk and fee cinnamon rolls. Well, we can’t be left out in the cold, so we went today.


There were plenty of cars in the parking lot, but it wasn’t TOTALLY crowded like it had been yesterday when I drove by. I was pleasantly surprised. Inside, we were greeted immediately by a greeter, and a storm trooper.


Made of Legos. I have no idea WHY there was a Lego storm trooper, but we had to get a picture. John did NOT want to stand close. Maybe he was afraid of touching it. I don’t know.

Besides Mr. Lego Stormtrooper, there weren’t that many people in the lovely WalMart! It was nice and clean, organized, and quiet! Amazing! It was wonderful! We went to the bird see isle, then wandered through frozen foods. And what do you know? We saw two people we knew. After chatting up the joys of this new and glorious walmart, we made it to the produce section.


Is that beautiful or what?

When we went to check out, there was only one person in line in front of us. At noon. I’ve been to other WalMarts and had to wait 15 minutes in the check out line. I can’t believe it! I guess I hope that it won’t always be that slow, because we don’t want it to close down or anything, but I felt like a priviledged “guest” shopper! I chatted with the cashier, and she told me that yes, it had been REALLY busy yesterday and that it had been a little busy today, but that it wasn’t too bad.

On the way out I passed the soft drink shrine.


I just had to take a picture. And of this one outside.


There’s a Subway sandwich shop inside the store, and as I was leaving, I realized that THAT was where the crowd was. You see, this store was built directly across the street from the High School. Wise. Very wise. Because at lunch time, where do they all want to go? To the WalMart. Yes Sirree. As I was loading my groceries into the car, I saw throngs of students walking over. Hoards, even.


Ok, this picture doesn’t really show the hoards of students walking through the parking lot, but there were lots. And they are going to keep that Walmart and the Subway inside in some pretty good business, that’s for sure.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. The store was clean, well organized, smaller than the usual super Walmart, and everyone seemed happy to be there. We didn’t get free cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk, but we did get donut samples, chocolate milk samples, and orange samples. Best of all–it’s 1.5 miles from my house. I could WALK there. Not that I would, because then I’d be dragging home my groceries and I’d get pretty dang tired. But I COULD. If I wanted to.

Oh, happy day, happy, happy Costco day!

I posted last year about this time regaling you with the joys of the Costco Amex card, where they send you a rebate check once a year. Well, I got my Amex bill a couple days ago, and it was sure cause for a party! I got a nice check for $432.22. So, after Megan’s basketball game in Lehi today (WIN!!! Hooray! 20 to 18, so they play again on Tuesday! I just had to sneak that in. Not that I’m a proud parent or anything. Shucks!), we stopped at Costco, and let it rip.

I haven’t been to Costco much this year, because I’ve been really trying to use coupons and shop sales, and since the new Smiths by us gives a discount on gas, I have been gassing up there and haven’t needed to go to Costco for all my gas. But, if I have four hundred dollars to spend at Costco, I am up to the challenge. First off, I bought two swim suits for the girls. I don’t know if they’ll fit and all that, but for $11 each, I can afford to bring one back if it doesn’t work out. We stocked up on lots of frozen items, got a pizza, got me some sugar free hot chocolate so I can enjoy a chocolate-y treat, batteries, milk, eggs, flour, dino nuggets, etc., etc. I did allow Megan one splurge item that she asked for. Sweedish Fish. They were $5 and change for the whole bag, and she did so well at basketball, I couldn’t say no.

My grand total at Costco today? $300. Gasp. I haven’t spent that much in one shopping trip in…well.. a long time. But after I gave them my check, they still had to give me $130 back!

Yes, when I look at my cash back earnings summary, it makes me choke a little. I mean, we spent $1,888.79 on gas in the past year (@3%, that adds 56.66 to our rebate). We also spent $1,295.46 eating out. Ouch! That’s the one I’d really like to cut back on. Traveling–we apparently spent $975.28 on travel. Hmmm. I don’t remember GOING anywhere last year, but Ryan sure did. So, maybe that’s from his card.

Anyway, we use this card for most of our purchasing, so it’s fun to get the little rebate each year. I think getting the rebate is actually even more fun than if they just knocked $400 off our bill this month, because then I get to shop and it feels like free money. Fun! Shopping with Free Money!!

Why, yes, I DID just go see Confessions of a Shopaholic last night. Why do you ask?

I just found out that Einstein Bros. Bagel shops in the Salt Lake City area (including Bountiful, Draper, Layton, Logan, Midvale, Ogden, Orem, Park City, Provo, Salt Lake City, and Sandy) are giving away free bagels every Friday until March 27, 2009.

I don’t have any more details than this, but I think I’d better find out where the nearest Einstein Brothers is and snag my free bagel.

You’re welcome

Are you in a “Home Improvement-y” mood? Do you need new knobs for your kitchen cupboards? Are you itching to get started painting your sons’ room? (Yes, I am, thank you very much.) Are you almost ready to go and buy your seeds and potting soil to get started on that spring garden? Or maybe your snow shovel bit the dust. Or do you just need household things like tape and garbage bags and windex and boring stuff like that. Well, friends. I am here to help.

Wouldn’t it be nicer to save $10 on all that stuff? Why, yes, it would. That’s why you want to go quickly over to Lowe’s website and print your coupon for $10 off your $50 purchase. Really. And the nice thing is, you can actually just hit the back button and print out more than one. These do expire March 2, so you’ll have to plan on using them soon, but if you’ve got a looming home improvement project, it just might help.

You’re welcome. No, I’m not going to come over and Do your home improvement project for you, silly. I’m just going to help you save a little money while you do it.

Our fun almost free President’s Day

Oh, the fun we had yesterday. Seriously. After I forced my children to do their jobs, we went out and had some fun. I call it Free Fun, which is the best kind.

1st- We stopped at Krispy Kreme with report cards in hand. Since we had four report cards, we got 6 dozen for each, thus two dozen free donuts. Yum, if you like that kind of thing.

2nd- We went to Toys R Us. I’ve had this giftcard rattling about in my wallet forever, and since littlest pet shops were on sale buy one get one free, we thought we’d check it out. The selection was terrible on the littlest pet shops, but we did manage to pick up four of them to use for future birthday party gifts. We also got some valentines and a hot wheels car. I used my gift card, but didn’t manage to use it all up. There’s still $3 on it. I should have just turned around and picked up something for $3, but didn’t want to hassle with it, so back in the wallet it goes.

3rd- We had some Barnes and Noble gift cards to use up, so off we went to the book store. The girls each picked out a book, I got a book each for Cole and Megan, and bought To Kill a Mockingbird for myself. I’ve (gasp) never read it, and I’ve been meaning to. So, now I own it, and have no excuse not to read it. John was a hard sell, and didn’t want any books. He did, however, want the baby Jaguar from Go, Diego, Go. What can I say, I’m such a pushover. I let him get his jaguar instead of a book. That whole venture cost me $7 after the giftcards. Not completely free, but almost.

4th- We stopped at Del Taco and got four free kids meals with coupons we had from Reflections.

Last- was a stop at the grocery store to get our free Redbox rentals for Monday. If you didn’t already know, you can get a free rental at redbox every monday if you go to their site and sign up. They’ll send you a code every week. And you can use it more than once if you use different credit cards. So the kids picked some silly Mermaid movie, and I picked Mama Mia. They watched their movie last night while the pizza cooked (we made individual pizzas for dinner–yes, I am that fun), and then had donuts for dessert.

Ryan picked up the kids at my parents’ house, and they also had a fun fun weekend. They helped my dad put up and take down flags, they went to the planetarium, and my mom got them started on knitting and crochet projects. And we actually missed them.

It was a good weekend for everyone.

Now if only we could find a way to get the truck’s suspension fixed for free. That would be REALLY great.

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