The Trials of a Busy Mom

Just a tip

Here’s a tip for you all–Don’t leave your carbonated beverages in the garage.  They will not survive.  I just rescued almost a full 12 pack of diet coke, but unfortunately, there’s a 12 pack of rootbeer that’s exploded and is frozen solid.  Another 12 pack of something (pepsi, I think) sprayed itself all over the lawnmower when it exploded.  So, bring those drinks in from the cold, and save yourself some clean-up time when it thaws.


  1. Janice from Book Club

    I did that one time with soda in my car! It was an awful mess. So sorry.

  2. Kristy

    I’ll definitely make a note of that. How the heck do you find time to write almost EVERY day?? Impressive.

  3. Nancy

    Thanks for visiting my 100 list. I actually started it over a week ago. It took forever. Your tip about the drinks is a good one. I should make sure we don’t have any on top of our garage fridge. Along those same lines, my parents stored a lot of 20 oz. plastic bottles of soda in a storage shed over the summer. They all went flat and the diet ones with equal lost their sugary taste too.

  4. Christina

    Another reason to move to Florida!!

  5. Mel

    Also, don’t pick up one of those fridge packs by the end end in the grocery store parking lot as you are trying to fling them into the car so you don’t miss carpool. Chances are, it will come open and you will be chasing 12 cans of diet Coke all over the parking lot. Slippery buggers.

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