The Trials of a Busy Mom

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I haven’t forgotten

a>little kids at disneyland

Are you wondering when I’m going to tell you about our trip? Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. I’ve just been busy. BUT, to get you in the spirit of Disneyland, you could go here
and vote for our photo, which is number 251. Aren’t the kids SO CUTE? They were so tiny! And so darling! They are still cute now, but not quite so tiny, and not quite so darling. But I still love them.

It’s easy, you just enter your email address, take a moment to register (if you haven’t already) and then click on #251 to vote. I know it’s a long shot that we will have enough votes. The last few times I have tried to garner enough votes for anything, I’ve failed miserably, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. So, go vote! Vote today, vote tomorrow, vote the next day….

Must avoid IFA for the next month.

I had to get chicken feed, so I went to IFA. Luckily, I went alone, or I may not have been able to handle the temptation! You see, the tiny chicks are in, and they are JUST. SO. CUTE.

I to reach in and pet them, and look over what breeds they had and what color eggs they would lay and all that. But I DID NOT BUY ANY. We do not want to go through all the work and the stink and the mess that little chicks take. I want to buy some teenage ugly chickens so they can live outside sooner.

As I was walking back to the front of the store, an errant little chick was just out walking on the floor! I picked it up and cuddled it for a moment before I took it to the girl at the checkout desk. It’s just so fluffy! I could have just slipped that little chick in my pocket and brought it home, and then been surprised to see what kind of chicken it grew into, but I was strong.


I don’t know if could have been quite as strong if I’d had any kids with me. Must avoid IFA for the next month.

Flush! We can flush!

When we came back from our little California trip, Ryan and I got busy doing the grout. Seriously. Ryan did most of the work, I washed behind him with a big old sponge.
Later he told me I’d been doing it wrong, so I’m not sure how much good I did, but I worked for two hours, so it must have been SOME help, right? The next day we were set to have our baseboards finished and then carpet the day after that! Because of the radient floor heating, it took the carpet guys two days to install the carpet instead of one, but that’ fine. No worries, we are getting CARPET!


So by Thursday, things were looking pretty good down there. 018

Of course, we have to fill in the nail holes in the trim, and do some paint touch ups, etc, but progress is being made, my friends! We put in the vanity I had bought, and then Saturday Ryan and I went shopping.
WE first went to Lowe’s, where we picked out a toilet, sink and countertop and fixtures. Amazing, right? It’s not too hard to pick those kind of things out, actually. Ryan picked the toilet he wanted, I said ok. I picked the countertop I liked from the vanity tops in stock, and then we picked the faucet fixtures together.


Of course, we had to get those items home and down to the basement, but luckily we have a few helpers around.

Megan even helped Ryan install the sink!

The toilet has a cool “no slam” feature where the lid closes slowly. Kind of like those self closing cabinet and drawer doors we were admiring at the Home Improvement store (drool).


After our shopping trip for the bathroom, we went quickly over to Knight’s furniture to show Ryan the bed I was thinking of getting for Cole’s room. He approved, and while we were there, we went tover to take a quick look at the couches. What do you know, we found one for a GREAT price, AGREED on it, and picked it out right then. My goodness, when we are in the mood to shop and buy, we don’t waste time. The couch was in stock and ready to take home that day, but we were in the suburban at the time, so we had to go home, unload the toilet and sink, and then I could take the truck back to the furniture store to pick up the couch.

I don’t have things all arranged yet to post pictures, but we’ll just say there was a lot of couch moving, and taking things downstairs over the weekend!

It’s official

On Wednesday, we were waiting for a mission call.
Of course, we were also driving to California.

We left at about 6 am with four of the kids, and started our drive. Megan and Cole stayed home to get in a couple more days of classes, as it’s not easy to miss class when you are in High School or College. When Megan got home from school at around 2:30, she had strict instructions to go check the mail, and then text me if there was a nice big envelope for Cole. We were eating lunch at the train McDonald’s in Barstow at the time. She sent a text, and said there was nothing in the mail for Cole. WHAT? Then I texted another missionary mom in the ward who had also been told that he was “assigned” and should get his call on Wed. They didn’t get THE letter, either. In fact, her son said that he only knew one Elder who had been expecting his call who had actually gotten THE envelope that day. Ugh. Well, nothing we can do about it.

The next morning, before we headed off to Disneyland, Megan called from home and said that the mail delivery lady (who is in our stake) called from the post office to let us know the call was there. Hooray! They delivered it to the house, and Megan picked it up that afternoon. Cole and Megan headed to the airport that night, and flew to California to join us. Now, after a full day at Disneyland, Ryan headed to the airport at about 9:30 to pick them up. They all got back at around 11:30 California time (which felt like 12:30 to us Utahns) and woke us up so he could open his call.

We took some pictures, but they are not uploaded yet, so you’ll just have to imagine us all sleepy eyed and in our pajamas and Cole opening his call.

Elder Cole Spencer Erickson, you have been called to labor in the West Virginia, Charlotte mission.

West Virginia?


Honestly, we were expecting something a bit more exotic, foreign, or far away. Although I hear that West Virginia will be pretty foreign to a white boy from Utah. Cole didn’t express much surprise or excitement or anything, but that’s Cole. We all told him Congratulations, gave him big hugs, and then went back to bed.

The next day, while hurrying off to Disney’s California Adventure for our early morning entry (which came WAY too early, I tell you), I asked him what he thought of the call. “It feels right,” he said, “If I had a choice, I was secretly hoping for Japan, but this will be good.” Oh, how I love that boy! He understands, even better than his mother does, that WHERE you serve isn’t the important thing, it’s HOW you serve.


He reports to the MTC on May 22, which is pretty close to his availability date of May 1st. It’s just a short 13 weeks from today!

So follow us on our adventure as we prepare our son to serve!

Hang in there, baby

Remember those old posters that we had at about the jr high era of the cat hanging in the tree that said, “Hang in there, baby”? Now with the internet and facebook, it seems pictures like that are shared all the time. This is how we found the kitty the other day. She looks like she’s just about given up.

You may remember that this kitty ‘joined’ us last July when she just started hanging around the house, and when Marie, our exchange student from France was worried about the cat that had been there for 3-4 days, we fed it a little bit. Well, now I guess we have a cat. A 3 legged cat.

I have been a little worried about her this winter. There’s been a LOT of snow, and so MANY nights WAY below freezing. I just wondered how she could survive when it’s so cold. I bought her a little cozy bed and put the heated pet mat below that, and gave her an old wool blanket. But more often than not, when I see her outside, it’s not in her cozy bed. I brought the heated dog dish out of the chicken coop (they were just making a mess of it and I got them a new water dish) and plugged that in on the porch so that her water won’t freeze. I guess she does ok with the cold. The other day when we had SO MUCH snow, and I spent many hours shoveling, she padded out through the falling snow to say hello.

Her feet left little paw print melt marks in the snow, and she was happy to play in the snow.

After that snowstorm, by the way, things looked like this.

With snow up to the swing, I don’t think anyone felt like swinging.

Or jumping on the trampoline.

And that sidewalk that I had shoveled twice already looked like this.

But we made it through January with it’s inversion and it’s really really really cold temps. So, hang in there baby, it’s only a couple of months until spring, right?

Christmas in pictures

I didn’t really tell much about our Christmas. We’ve been so busy I have hardly had time to go through all the pictures.

Christmas eve we changed things up a bit. We decided to go out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place, Los Hermanos.

We had hosted back to back parties, and I didn’t want to do another party for Christmas eve, so it was just our family. It was snowy and icy all day, too, so I didn’t want to make the grandparents travel.

On Christmas morning, the kids were all up by 7, waiting for us. Don’t you love how some of them can’t even wait a FEW minutes without a book?

Santa had come, and been kind.

And so had Mom and Dad.

Chaos? Yep, pretty much.

The kids all got pretty much spoiled, what with gifts from Santa, Mom and Dad and all their brothers and sisters. I don’t know if Larissa had experienced such a big chaotic Christmas with so many people ever before. As part of the family, she exchanged gifts, too.

Later, the grandparents came over for dinner and game playing.

Ryan had made my dad and his dad a cribbage board. Made it himself!

As for my gift, Ryan got me about $500 of paint.


Right after Christmas, he and Cole went to work.

They got the walls primed, the ceiling painted, and the trim painted. Unfortunately, my computer is not recognizing my camera anymore, so it’s difficult to get more pictures up, but soon I’ll tell you about our painting COLOR and the disasters that ensued there.

It was a wonderful Christmas season.

Goodbye favorite skirt–you will be missed

To assure that I wouldn’t just pull this skirt out of the donate bag and wear it in a pinch, I cut it up and made some wheat bags.

Because I seriously have loved this skirt. It’s been my go-to skirt for about 8 years. I wear it to church, I wear it to rehearsal, I wear it to school. It doesn’t roll up on the ends, it doesn’t need ironing, and it goes with everything. But sadly, it ripped up the back (not on a seam) and I guess it’s time to move on.

Travel to Bethlehem

Our ward put on a wonderful night in Bethlehem activity. It was so well done! I was totally impressed. Please ignore the stupid look on my face. I came late and was just eating my chicken and pita bread when this picture was snapped.

There were even animals out in the stables.

These pictures are all from our neighbor Steve Goering. You can see more on his photo share site.

My applause go to all those who planned and carried this event out. It was tons of work, but such a special night.

Random December

Some stuff that’s been going on here. I don’t really have time to elaborate on everything, but I’ll show some pictures.

Now that they have a cozy warm house, the chickens have been more regular in their egg laying. But every once in a while we get an especially small or large one.

Here’s the little gift that the cat left on the doorstep for us. I guess that means she has accepted us as her family?

John felt he needed a mustache. Not sure why he had to do it with a sharpie, but it eventually came off.

We took the family to Thanksgiving Point to see the lights there. There were even reindeer!

I took the kids bowling. I was really only going to bowl ONE game, but they had a special text in offer so we got two games for the price of one. Fun times, even though we were NOT the best bowlers. Halfway through our second game, a whole group of cute guys came in and all bowled together. A league of some kind. We weren’t intimidated at all.

A portion of the Bells on Temple Square were there last Sunday in the conference center to record a little something in response to this..

I don’t exactly know where or when that will air, but we did it.

Here’s my lovely Natalie right before her choir concert. I hemmed her annoyingly slippery dress this week for her, and she did GREAT in her concert.

We had a wonderful Christmas present delivered this week…sheet rock!

The hangers came and got the whole basement hung in one day. Wow! I think they are coming this week to do some mudding and taping. Woo-Hoo!

On December 7th, it was St. Nikolaus Tag, which is when St. Nikolaus comes and brings candy and gifts to the good children. So, in our shoes were treats, and we even woke to little stockings with our initials on them.

More pictures and stories to come!

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